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"Big" Earn(ie) McCracken, -siggy-, 3838, _moe_, AAA15, absolute uncertainty, acw, addie54, Alan Palmer, AllAboutIt, Angus Ontario, AnthonyRichkas, Anvil, apt, Astrokym, ATBbookiekiller, Ave Atlantica, avssports, awol256, azboilermaker, Ball Breaker, ballistik, Bankroll, bantex, basesAREloaded, bb bet, BBall88, Behrens, BernieVegas, bertex, Betpanam, BeverlyHillsBookie, bigbets, bigd0gg, BigDaddyNole, BigTwelveFan, billyt, blackcat, Blaze, Bloodhound, Blown Head Gasket, blue edwards, BlueRaider70, bluewaterdude, Bocabill, bombay24, Booker T, BookUm, bosox1086, BREADMAN, brendanjack, Bron, brutusthebuckeye, bucsfan67, BuffBrian, bunker, Burner 1, Buzzsaw, BZ, Caesar, Capt., cashingin, CD155, CedarCreaker, Cerveza, CHAD, chipmaker, chipshot, chriscol, cincyfred, cj99, clamdigger, Co-Captain, Cougar, coyott07, ct giant, curt, dacoop, Daglashen, Dallas Joe, DannyMay, Dante, Darryl Parsons, David Matthews, davidatrio, dazz, DCkid, Demo, denaxle, Dezzo808, dimeplayersonly, dirty, docdekay, doggy dog, DonB, double-d, dr.chau, driver8, droc, dsjl1, dugmath, Duke 1, dusky, dwchopper46, Edko, ElHombre, eltonio, epper, ESCROW, EverFresh, FairWarning, fein, fine picks, fisherman, football27, forgi, FourToday, Freakola, friday, FunkSoulBrother, G. MONEY, gamblingislife, gamecock1, gamehunter, GATOR COACH LT, genosays, geolock, ger379, gijoe, gk51, GoBlue, GoBlueDrew, gobucks, gobucks_13, GoUH, GreedyReedy, GreenDoberman, grindingwheel, ground hog11, gumby72, gunner, guysmiley, Hache man, hansen bros., HardTimes, harrington, HarveyD, HateTheRiverCard, Hawk32, Heinz57, HERBIE1, highlife, honda4, hondaman1, Hoosier Daddy, husker83, iceman2002, IDENTITY, indiana mike, Indifference, indy sports, Inthepaint, Intruder, irish pub, J Money, Jabow, Jacksorbetter, jam, Jarbo, JayHarn3, jc hooker, JDeuce, jerseymike111, JForeSC, jimmyk, jimray, JOEWILLIE, Joey C, jose, Journeyman, jsherman18, Judge Wapner, JUMBO227, jwunderdog, katch22, Kojak, kookoo, LAF36, lak, lander, landslide, laxer, LENBO, lewis,, Line Breaker, lone ranger, Low Tide, LS037, LSUpete, lurkerforages, MAKE$$$$, mansiu777, matahari, metaled, mgk222, Midwesterner, mijo, MIKED, Mikeoxbig, MIZZOU, MKB, Mosi, MPriorCanKu, Mr Bing 113, MR. CFL, Mr. Jones, mrhandicapper, mrkay, mudman, muffinman, mvbski, ncaahoopster, nets2k2, Nimda, No Partials, Nofear23, nuezra, NY Reb, OccamsRazor, omahamoneymaker, Onside Betting, Oorang, OutlawTitan, Panama Red, Pancho Sanza, pasqua, peckerhead, peteep, peterpuck, petyos, Phaedrus, phoenix28, Pickles, Pinko, pja101, player2, playersonly69, Pretending, prhino, primetime21, ProphetablePicks.Com, racinged2000, randyrohm, Raven Maniac, RealSlimShady, red007, REML, revinax, Rex Foster, rich dude, Rick28806, Ricochet, RobFunk, roggs, Roundball Magic, Rouxdog, Rudy1957, rugby, Rwight3409, Ryder Captain, sandmanfromlv, sanfranfred, schaeon, Schouest, scott22, SECprophet, SENDITIN, SF Native, SF Rucka, Sharks IV, shats, shawn555, SHF, showmethemoney, shred, simplyjim1976, Sky Masterson, Slade, smoothie, soccerbob, Soulman, sphincter, sportsadvisory, sportsbet, sportscapper, sportsmonitor, Sportspage, spreadbeater, squirrelsear, Steel Vagina, Stephen, stolidog88, streldoc, STRUT888/FISHHEAD, SubZaero, Sun Dodger, SureShot, TAHOEREBEL, Taxilv92, teddybear, Tekari, tenman, Terry, the den, The Quiet Man, The Wise One, The_Man, THEGAME9000, thegodfather, thekidspicks, theTownDrunk, ThomasJ, tigerclicks, TIGERNOY, TNVOLFAN, tomlv, tomone, tonyh, toohot4u, toon67, topspinner, traehawks, trotter, Troy, True Blue Aggie, tryingtofade, TTinCO, VALUESEEKER, Vaulted Treehouse, VEGROCK, Vietbet, vinividivinci, Vinnie, Viper, volhound, warrick, Whatever Makes You Nervous, whiskers, whoizdat, whormoan, Wianese Hacker, wild turkey, WilmasPimp, WINNA, WinOne, wonderdog, xflrejects, xpanda, YR2YR, Zapster, Zen